sobuželnosć ze sobu

ja nimam časa
ja nimam pjenjez
ja nimim ničo ničo nimam dosć
ani pisaka
ani papjerku
zo bychu móhli linki jenož takle rosć

jědźe mi z blida
to žadyn čorny kofej ničo njepomha
a kusk tykanca
tón móžeš zabyć
tón tak a tak njesłodźi kaž ten doma

što jenož budźe ze mnu tu w cuzbje
mi něchtó pomhać pomhać njebudźe
što jenož budźe ze mnu tu w cuzbje
mi něchtó pomhać pomhać njebudźe

dyrbju tu jedne prajić
tam hižo započnje
te naše słowa bórze něchtó wjac njemóže
a štó budźe pisać
a štó budźe čitać
w našej móličkej mjeńšinje

tajka tragejdija
tajki dilema
kóždy bječi ale ničo njezměni
wot samo njepřińdźe
to kóždy z nas tež wě
ale póprawom je tak jednorje

ludźo rěčće rěčće serbsce
to tola žadna žadna hańba njej
ludźo rěčće rěčće serbsce
to tola žadna žadna hańba njej

sobuželnosć ze sobu - self-pity

have no time
have no money
have nothing don`t have enough of anything
not even a pen
not even a piece of paper
for lines to grow on
slips from my table
black coffee can`t help anymore either
and the piece of cake
doesn`t taste like in the old days anyway

what will become of me here in these foreign lands
no one no one will help me
what will become of me here in these foreign lands
no one no one will help me

i have to say something now
this is where it already starts
soon no one will speak our words anymore
and who will write them
and who will read them
in our minuscule minority

such a tragedy
such a dilemma
everyone is moaning but nobody changes anything
it won`t come come by itself
everyone of us knows that
but in fact it`s really simple

speak folks speak sorbian with each other
there is nothing about it
speak folks speak sorbian with each other
there is nothing about it